Purple Compound Gyuto 219mm

This time in purple-dyed maple with blues and electric pink highlights, the largest of James Oatley's recent gyuto delivery at 219mm / 8.6" with a solid 64mm heel height, is a high-performance cutting tool poised for great things. James employs RWL34, the monosteel stainless offering from Sweden's specialty steel producer Damasteel, and gives it symmetrical compound 'S-grind' bevels, the thin, hair-popping sharp edge with mirror-polished finish, and the concave and flat stretches a unique, lightly patinated matte finish. A heel that reaches backward to below the front fingers when used in the pinch grip, and a tip that slims to a fine, needle-like point, offer precision and dexterity for chopping, precision slices, and everything in between. Balanced just in front of the handle which is shaped in James' usual style; simple, hand-filling, tapering to the front, and 100% utilitarian, with removable brass pin; the knife delivers cutting joy, plain and simple. A saya in Australian Bottle Brush with brass pin is included.