From the newest talent to join our collection, North Carolina bladesmith Charlie Ellis has created a unique and extraordinary one-of-a-kind integral chef knife with compound S-grind geometry and workhorse edge for his debut here. With the wonderfully sculpted, rounded, and polished boxelder wood in hand, the balance and centered weight of the knife are immediately apparent, with a thin yet sturdy and very sharp edge ready to tackle all variety of daily kitchen tasks. An overall Western aesthetic is matched to an Eastern-leaning profile, the relatively straight edge with low tip able to rock on the board enough when needed, but really excelling with precise push and pull cuts. All aforementioned attributes, along with the Turkish walnut spacer, a creative and outstanding blade finish, and other more subtle elements, combine to create an object that is more than the sum of its parts, satisfying in unexpended ways.
See a video of this knife HERE.