Twenty twenty-one was rather Berserk, and we have proof. Made by bladesmith Salem Straub late last year at his Washington workshop, this is the second of two knives to feature his new and extraordinary Berserk pattern mosaic damascus steel. With such a spectacular centerpiece, the rest of the knife must uphold the level of work depicted in the folded and twisted steel, and there is no doubt Salem has accomplished that here. Below the Berserk pattern damascus is an edge bar of spirograph pattern damascus, together forming the tall, thin, compound bevels of this function-first blade. And to wield the cutting tool Salem has carved a beautiful handle in which green and blue dyed maple is inlaid into a frame of Hawaiian Koa wood, and finished with an attention to detail most can only dream of, including a stepped-down, heirloom-fit integral bolster and brass retention nut visible in the rear.