Tip top. Second to none. The bee's knees. Whatever words one might use to describe an object that stirs the senses and riles the imagination would be fitting when describing this one-of-a-kind chef knife. From bladesmith Nick Anger of northern Vermont, this 255mm / 10" long by 76mm tall blade is forged by hand from a dreamy flow of mosaic damascus that has received compound 'S-grind' bevel geometry, a triangular K-tip profile, and gorgeous integral bolster. Balanced a touch in front of the blade's rounded, elegantly sculpted choil, the blade is quite thin at the edge, while its sheer size and amount of material, and wide, stiff, spine that tapers steadily toward the tip, give the knife a weighted, workhorse feel in the hand. To manipulate the formidable quantity of beautifully etched and finished carbon steel is a large and comfortable handle of carved pale moon ebony which shows off natural grain that will make you look twice, and a ring of black micarta at the front.