If you're unable to look away, we understand. Joshua Prince of Princeworks Forge has that effect on us, too. Handcrafted by the latest artisan to join the Eatingtools family, Joshua recently delivered this, and its smaller sibling, the Cubed Damascus Chef 205mm, his first works to debut in our collection, each forged from the striking 'Cubed' mosaic damascus of his design and making. Big, bold, and beautiful, the blade is designed to take on all variety of daily meal prep, the sharp, hard 250mm / 9.8" edge beginning relatively flat out of the heel for efficient chopping, then sweeping gently upward for another three to four inches, before a turn toward the strong, sharp tip. A beautiful piece of Australian Gidgee wood is sculpted to create the warm and enjoyable handle that tapers outward from the blade's integral bolster. Comfortable in any grip, the knife maximizes utility with a heavily arched heel that places a cutting edge directly below the front fingers, which in turn fit snuggly into the rounded pocket created between blade and handle.