There is nothing small, innocent, or inconspicuous about bladesmith Josh Prince's latest culinary creation, the Pinch Ripper Chef Knife. Forged by hand at his Rhode Island studio from 440C stainless steel, beginning its journey as nothing more than a 2" diameter cylinder of material, through heat and pressure Josh has given life to a tool ready to work. The 255mm / 10" edge is tough and razor sharp, thin enough for nearly any task and durable enough below convex bevels for the toughest cuts, ending at its heel in the rear where the blade stands a formidable 74mm off the cutting board. Weighing over 17ounces (yes, over 1lb), the knife nonetheless balances beautifully just in front of the handle and offers remarkable comfort and control in the pinch grip. With a combination of forge-finished stretches, undulating curves though the handle, and function-first bevels and geometry, the latest in Josh's exploration of the monosteel, integral hand-and-blade approach to knife construction is a hands-down success in our book.